Packaging failed : Warning: Missing Resource 'CoreStyle' Style

Hello here,

I’m trying to package my game and create a simple Windows build, but it keeps failing with the message: LogSlateStyle: Warning: Missing Resource from ‘CoreStyle’ Style: ‘Unable to find Color ‘InvertedForeground’.’

Does someone know more about this or what it could be?

Hello, could you post a screenshot showing more of the output log?

I am also receiving this error:

LogSlateStyle: Warning: Missing Resource from 'CoreStyle' Style: 'Unable to find SlateColor 'Foreground'.'

I haven’t tried to package yet, this message appears when loading the Editor.

Look at the documentation.
It states that you need to add the module SlateCore to your build file and
#include "Styling/CoreStyle.h at the top of the cpp file where you are using it.

Problem with this is, I don’t use it anywhere… I don’t use any Slate or UI related c++ code in my project.

You could be using a class that is dependent on the Slate class. It could also be caused by a plugin.

Well, you got me looking in the right direction, although the fix for me is still unknown. I started looking for anything that might use SlateCore, but didn’t find anything, but I did find a struct that the system was complaining about bad initialization. In totally unrelated code. Fixed it, and two other issues were fixed in the process. The slatecore error is gone, and the UMG MVVM plugin started working properly (really not sure, as the struct I fixed was in a time system plugin I am writting, that doesn’t even touch either of these other systems)

So thanks for helping, even if it wasn’t directly :slight_smile:

Maybe OP can get an idea here, or someone else in the future can find this useful.

Sorry due to only doing this is my freetime, I’m not too active.

But here is my output log with messages dissabled.

LogSlateStyle: Warning: Missing Resource from ‘CoreStyle’ Style: ‘Unable to find Color ‘InvertedForeground’.’
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

This would be the screenshot around the error.

The thing is, I wouldn’t know where I use it :confused:

I havent added/changed any cpp files manually since I am not a programmer. Only using plugins and blueprints to make things work.

But would you know a way to locate the file needing this so I can adjust it?


That is just a warning (in yellow). It should not cause the pack to fail. There should be a log file created after the package fail with exact errors.

Okay my bad. First time I’m actually trying to build something bigger in Unreal.

Would this be that Log file?

Horror_VS_001.log (200.1 KB)

The part that sticks out in the log would be

[2023.11.20-14.44.23:368][545]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): No Visual C++ installation was found. Please download and install Visual Studio 2022 or 2019 with C++ components.
[2023.11.20-14.44.23:368][545]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Visual Studio 2022 x64 must be installed in order to build this target.

Fair I can give it a try, don’t know what that would change. Thanks already!

Can add to this, I was able to build this before, but after adding some more content it gave me this error and now I can’t build anymore.

Okay got Visual Studio installed and it is giving way more information now.

But also more errors :confused:

Horror_VS_001.log (299.7 KB)

Seems to be a control rig problem

No handler found for function 'FRigUnit_ControlRigSplineFromPoints::Execute' for VM '/Engine/Transient.RigVM_12'

Perhaps this could be linked to the following error regarding splines and control rig

This also stands out

[2023.11.20-15.51.09:868][272]PackagingResults: Error: Assertion failed: (SourcePin == nullptr) == (TargetPin == nullptr) [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\RigVM\Source\RigVMDeveloper\Private\RigVMModel\RigVMGraph.cpp] 

Seems like some critical pins in the control rig are unplugged causing problems

I’d go into your control rig blueprints and check if they are compiled without errors.


Aaaah thanks a lot for pointing this out! I will check it out and will let you know if this did something. Have a good day.

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Hi @3dRaven

I added the SlateCore to my build file
But the problem is not fixed (UE5.4.2)

Any other idea?

And if you know one solution to the other warning is welcome too!! :upside_down_face:

Thanyou so much!! :heart:

maybe try adding the accompanying module “Slate”

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I just realized that the module was already included.
I remember that this came by default in a new EU4 project

//Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore", "AnimGraphRuntime" });

And i added this

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "UMG" });

It must be a specific EU5.4.2 problem.
I really don’t remember seeing these warnings before.
Maybe they will fix it in future versions.

Thank you so much @3dRaven

Happy coding

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