Packaging Failed 4.15

Failed Build log

I’m having trouble packaging my project in 4.15. I’m only working in blueprints and am relatively new to unreal. I also know nothing when it comes to c++ so please no fixes involving that.

I’ve included my newest build failed log.

Thank you for any help you can give me!

steps I’ve done so far, trying to package again after each step:

  1. re-saved all of the maps, blueprints

  2. selected only the needed maps to package in the project settings

  3. right-click in the content browser and hit the ‘fix up re-directors’ option.

  4. Closed the engine, and deleted the Intermediate and Saved.

Did you get a crash dump? I can check it out for you to see if it’s obvious.

Hello mercuriusfm,

It seems that your packaging is failing due to an Ensure. The Ensure is related to the Transform of a SceneComponent and BodyInstance possibly, from looking at the surrounding information. It may be related to your FirstPersonCharacter blueprint.

The first ensure is:

Error: Ensure condition failed: NewTransform.IsValid() [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Components\SceneComponent.cpp] [Line: 534]

This is saying that, at this point, NewTransform was not valid when it checked to see if it was or not, meaning any calls to it would result in an access violation.

The second ensure is:

Error: Ensure condition failed: !NewTransform.ContainsNaN() [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PhysicsEngine\BodyInstance.cpp] [Line: 3012]

This means that one of the values in NewTransform at this point was NaN (Not a Number) meaning that it’s not being populated correctly. I’d check for anything that may be setting the transform of any actors in your project.

My game needs the player to be teleported to various spots, so in the blueprints of some of the levels I’ve transformed the player to specific areas. Does this mean this won’t work? or did I do something wrong in the way I came about achieving the teleportation… I just used “set player location” in the blueprints.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re telling me to check for, they’re all scalar numbers, some are negatives though let me know if that’s what your referring to, and if that is an issue.

Also my player first starts at a location in the world that is a very high altitude is that a problem? now that I’ve been looking at my player start locations I see that one of the the “network player start” says bad size… so I deleted it and tried packaging again… and the packaging failed again…

Hey, I tried googling what a crash dump and I’m still not really sure what it is and where to find it.

new crash log

I just realized, from looking at the code around the first ensure, this may be related to this warning that comes up just before it:

LogSkinnedMeshComp:Warning: GetSocketByName(GripPoint): No SkeletalMesh for Component(Mesh2P) Actor(FirstPersonCharacter_C_1)

The function that comes just before this NewTransform.IsValid() check is setting NewTransform based off of using the new relative transform, the parent, and the socketname. If the socketname is coming up with something null (due to the SkeletalMesh not being set) then NewTransform may end up becoming null, causing the .isValid check to fail.

Can you ensure that Mesh2P has a mesh assigned or remove any socket references related to it?

If this doesn’t help, would you be able to provide a copy of your project so that I can run it in debugging to see if I can narrow down what asset is causing the problem? If you need it to be private you can send a link to a download for it to me through a private message on our [forums][1].


Now I’ve deleted the first person character “spawn projectile” bit in the blueprints, since that was the only thing that referred to Mesh2P, and tried to package again.

that didn’t work so I just deleted the Mesh 2P , the gun and sphere from the First person character since I don’t have a model for my game or any shooting since you don’t see the character.

It still failed ensure…

newest fail log

As an update,

It wasn’t anything in the First Person Character Blueprint, For some reason something I got from the unreal marketplace, ORBIT weather and seasons, was stopping my game from compiling. I’ve had a few issues with getting ORBIT to work properly.

I just deleted things from my level one at a time until it packaged properly…

Now I have to figure out why its making Ensure fail and what’s Transforming to Null Values within it, I have a feeling it’s the Moon component but I’m not sure yet.

Thanks for your help.