Packaging errors

I am having an error when packaging my unreal engine 5.2 and 5.5 projects.

Here is the error code:
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

I have tried the following solutions:

  • checking “Unreal Engine Installer” box in visual studio code
  • adding hostfxr.dll to DotNET folder

Install debug symbols to let the engine tell you in more detail what the packing error is. Right now it’s a mystery to us all.

You can add the symbols in the epic launcher from the engine version dropdown

Here is the output log from when I run the packaging


The error seems rather vague still. Normally a critical error would stop the packing.

This segment would suggest installing another versions of MSVC
Visual Studio 2022 compiler version 14.42.34436 is not a preferred version. Please use the latest preferred version 14.38.33130

Other than that I’ve noticed that sometimes running vs in debugger mode while packing caused problems for people, sometimes it’s antivirus software that can interfere.

In some narrow cases people had 2 instanced of unreal running at the same time (you can check in the task bar)

Live coding can also cause weird behavior.

Sorry I can’t narrow down the exact cause but this time the log file doesn’t show too much info.

Some times things like free hard drive space can even cause these things to screw up.

Thanks for the help. I switched to VS 14.38 by following the steps from this discussion:

Still no luck packaging. Any ideas on how to get in contact with Unreal technical support to keep troubleshooting the issue?