Packaging error

Running AutomationTool…
Automation.ParseCommandLine: Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=D:/Users/kasha/Documents/Unreal Projects/LifeForSurvive/LifeForSurvive.uproject BuildCookRun -project=D:/Users/kasha/Documents/Unreal Projects/LifeForSurvive/LifeForSurvive.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Shipping -serverconfig=Shipping -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -ue4exe=UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -utf8output -platform=Win64 -targetplatform=Win64 -cook -map= -unversionedcookedcontent -compressed -stage -deploy -cmdline= -Messaging -device=WindowsNoEditor@DESKTOP-C6OA40V -addcmdline=-SessionId=B3C164FE4EE46D2AD2E4809CDFCD26BE -SessionOwner=‘kasha’ -SessionName=‘DESKTOP-C6OA40V’ -run
Automation.Process: Setting up command environment.
BuildCookRun.SetupParams: Setting up ProjectParams for D:\Users\kasha\Documents\Unreal Projects\LifeForSurvive\LifeForSurvive.uproject
Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: System.ArgumentException: ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???.
? System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
? System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) ? AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.CompileAndLoadTargetsAssembly(ProjectProperties Properties, FileReference TargetsDllFilename, Boolean DoNotCompile, List1 TargetScripts)
? AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.DetectTargetsForProject(ProjectProperties Properties, List1 ExtraSearchPaths) ? AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.DetectProjectProperties(FileReference RawProjectPath, List1 ClientTargetPlatforms, Boolean AssetNativizationRequested)
? AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.GetProjectProperties(FileReference RawProjectPath, List1 ClientTargetPlatforms, Boolean AssetNativizationRequested) ? AutomationTool.ProjectParams.AutodetectSettings(Boolean bReset) ? AutomationTool.ProjectParams..ctor(FileReference RawProjectPath, CommandUtils Command, String Device, String MapToRun, String AdditionalServerMapParams, ParamList1 Port, String RunCommandline, String StageCommandline, String BundleName, String StageDirectoryParam, String UE4Exe, String SignPak, List1 ClientConfigsToBuild, List1 ServerConfigsToBuild, ParamList1 MapsToCook, ParamList1 DirectoriesToCook, String InternationalizationPreset, ParamList1 CulturesToCook, ParamList1 ClientCookedTargets, ParamList1 EditorTargets, ParamList1 ServerCookedTargets, List1 ClientTargetPlatforms, Dictionary2 ClientDependentPlatformMap, List1 ServerTargetPlatforms, Dictionary2 ServerDependentPlatformMap, Nullable1 Build, Nullable1 Cook, String CookFlavor, Nullable1 Run, Nullable1 SkipServer, Nullable1 Clean, Nullable1 Compressed, Nullable1 UseDebugParamForEditorExe, Nullable1 IterativeCooking, Nullable1 CookAll, Nullable1 CookMapsOnly, Nullable1 CookOnTheFly, Nullable1 CookOnTheFlyStreaming, Nullable1 UnversionedCookedContent, Nullable1 SkipCookingEditorContent, Nullable1 NumCookersToSpawn, String AdditionalCookerOptions, String BasedOnReleaseVersion, String CreateReleaseVersion, String CreateReleaseVersionBasePath, String BasedOnReleaseVersionBasePath, Nullable1 GeneratePatch, String DLCName, String DiffCookedContentPath, Nullable1 DLCIncludeEngineContent, Nullable1 NewCook, Nullable1 OldCook, Nullable1 CrashReporter, Nullable1 DedicatedServer, Nullable1 Client, Nullable1 Deploy, Nullable1 FileServer, Nullable1 Foreign, Nullable1 ForeignCode, Nullable1 LogWindow, Nullable1 NoCleanStage, Nullable1 NoClient, Nullable1 NoDebugInfo, Nullable1 NoXGE, Nullable1 Package, Nullable1 Pak, Nullable1 Prereqs, Nullable1 NoBootstrapExe, Nullable1 SignedPak, Nullable1 NullRHI, Nullable1 FakeClient, Nullable1 EditorTest, Nullable1 RunAutomationTests, String RunAutomationTest, Nullable1 CrashIndex, Nullable1 SkipCook, Nullable1 SkipCookOnTheFly, Nullable1 SkipPak, Nullable1 SkipStage, Nullable1 Stage, Nullable1 Manifests, Nullable1 CreateChunkInstall, Nullable1 Unattended, Nullable1 NumClients, Nullable1 Archive, String ArchiveDirectoryParam, Nullable1 ArchiveMetaData, Nullable1 CreateAppBundle, ParamList1 ProgramTargets, Nullable1 Distribution, Nullable1 Prebuilt, Nullable1 RunTimeoutSeconds, String SpecifiedArchitecture, Nullable1 IterativeDeploy, Nullable1 FastCook, Nullable1 IgnoreCookErrors, Nullable1 RunAssetNativization, Nullable1 CodeSign, Nullable1 TreatNonShippingBinariesAsDebugFiles, Nullable1 UploadSymbols, String Provision, String Certificate, ParamList1 InMapsToRebuildLightMaps, ParamList1 TitleID)
? BuildCookRun.SetupParams()
? BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild()
? AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute()
? AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary1 Commands)
? AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String[] CommandLine)
? AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param)
? AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Func`2 Main, Object Param)
? AutomationTool.Program.Main()
Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
copying UAT log files…

link text

Hi kashak233,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What steps are you taking to package your project?
  • What device(s) are you packaging/deploying to?
  • Is your project blueprint or C++?
  • When did this start occurring?

This is not an empty project .

I use standard packaging measures(Full rebuild and Shipping .

Packaging under windows 64 .

The project is fully on the blueprints .

Getting occur after the first successful packaging.

  • Try packaging a clean, blank project, do you see the same error?
  • What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end?

With a clean design is great, but on the second one does not understand what you mean.

Try this: With the editor closed, make a back up of these, then delete the Saved, intermediate and config folders from your project folder. Then reopen and try to package again.

This looks like the same issue reported here: Package Error 4.12.5

Post a new output log if this does not work.

Hi kashak233,

Since we have not heard back from you in a while, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you are still receiving this packaging error, please respond with the results after following the troubleshooting steps I posted above along with the new Output Log and we will continue to investigate.

