Packaging error

Hi, guys. I’m getting this packaging error and not really sure how to resolve it. I get that it hase something to do with chaos cloth sim, but that’s about it. I really need to make a build by tommorow as im travelling so any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the log

LogClass: Error: StructProperty FChaosClothAssetImportedVectorValue::ImportedValue is not initialized properly. Module:ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes File:Public/ChaosClothAsset/ImportedValue.h
LogClass: Error: IntProperty FChaosClothAssetImportedIntValue::ImportedValue is not initialized properly. Module:ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes File:Public/ChaosClothAsset/ImportedValue.h
LogClass: Error: FloatProperty FChaosClothAssetImportedFloatValue::ImportedValue is not initialized properly. Module:ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes File:Public/ChaosClothAsset/ImportedValue.h
LogClass: Display: 3 Uninitialized script struct members found including 0 object properties

LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: StructProperty FChaosClothAssetImportedVectorValue::ImportedValue is not initialized properly. Module:ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes File:Public/ChaosClothAsset/ImportedValue.h [log]
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: IntProperty FChaosClothAssetImportedIntValue::ImportedValue is not initialized properly. Module:ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes File:Public/ChaosClothAsset/ImportedValue.h [log]
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: FloatProperty FChaosClothAssetImportedFloatValue::ImportedValue is not initialized properly. Module:ChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes File:Public/ChaosClothAsset/ImportedValue.h [log]

AFAIK these errors should be ignorable and the build should continue. If they do not then as a guess you could try initializing these variables yourself in the Engine Source Code. This can be found in the ImportedValue.h file. Then go ahead and initialize all the ImportedValue in the file to 0

Not sure how to do that, i just set the false to true but unfortunatly it didnt work…

I meant you should edit the mutable VARIABLETYPEHERE ImportedValue; to mutable VARIABLETYPEHERE ImportedValue = 0;