[Packaging Error] Unable to find any file open order file, the shader library will not be deterministic

UATHelper: packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogShaderLibrary: Error: Unable to find any file open order file, the shader library will not be deterministic.

I don’t know what this error mean.

I tried to remove saved and intermediate folder. but doesn’t work.

How could I solve it?

It doesn’t matter. If you’re really pushing the engine hard, and need as much optimization as possible, you can specify what order assets will be loaded during gameplay ( because, for instance, you know the level ordering and layout ) in a file.

You don’t actually need the file normally.

I solved this question.
I don’t know why perfectly, Project Settings → Project → Packaging → uncheck Share Material Shader Code :slight_smile:

thanks for sollution :smile: