Packaging Error - Metahuman PoseDriver


I just made my first game, everything is working perfectly in unreal engine. But if i want to build my game i get the following Error:
LUTIndex.IsValidIndex(PoseNames[PoseIndex].UID) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\AnimGraphRuntime\Private\AnimNodes\AnimNode_PoseDriver.cpp] [Line: 61]

similarly to : Metahuman pose driver error
but i just cannot find the fix for it.

I am using a MetaHuman as thirdPersonCharacter.

Have you found any solution? Is it fixed ?

I was having the same error in line 61, I did the animation blueprint bypass suggested by JMcJohnson in Metahuman pose driver error. I did the bypass in ALL metahuman animation blueprints that had the same PoseDriver structure.