Hi, I’m running into an issue I can’t seem to find the solution to.
I keep getting this error trying to package an Android build (on ), (ios build works perfectly fine):
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:888: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:890: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:902: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:283: null returned: 1
I’ve viewed several other posts with the same error, and none of those solutions have worked for me.
such as:
I’ve rechecked my environment vars multiple times, and installed all of tools for the correct platforms using the Android SDK manager.
I’m completely stuck right now, any help in tracking this issue down would be greatly appreciated!
(I’ve attached my full log file for viewing)
Could I please see a screenshot of your Android SDK settings from within the editor? You can get to them by going to the Project Settings > Android SDK.
Thanks for the reply. (I’ve attached the screenshot below)
I’ve also messed around with the SDK API setting located there trying out a few things and haven’t had much luck.
Let me know if you have any suggestions, I’m quite stuck on this issue.
You need to upgrade your Android NDK to r11c, through CodeWorks not AndroidWorks. First you’ll need to uninstall Android Works. Once that’s complete, install CodeWorks and update the path for the Android NDK in the editor under Project Settings > Android SDK.
[Unreal Engine 4: Android Quick Start][1]
[Nvidia CodeWorks for Android][2]
[Nvidia Download Center][3]
Please make sure you check your firewall and antivirus to make sure they’re not blocking the downloads due to a feature being switched on in the their settings.
Hi I completely uninstalled and re-installed like you suggested and it everything seems the same as it was. I believe my original installation was through CodeWorks, not AndroidWorks at least that is what my previous installation directories seem to show but I could be mistaken.
Anyway, the link you provided through codeworks only provides NDK r10e, not r11c .
Am I missing a step here or is the link incorrect?
Info from the download page: “Release 1R4 adds full tools, libraries, samples support for the latest Android M (Marshmallow) release and includes the latest versions of Developer Tools (Tegra Graphics Debugger 2.2, Tegra System Profiler 2.5, Nsight Tegra 3.3, Visual Studio Edition, PerfKit 4.5), IncrediBuild 7.1 for Visual Studio, the latest Android NDK (r10e), SDK (24.4.1), Platform Tools (23.0.1), and Build Tools (23.0.2), CUDA, OpenCV and PhysX support, NVIDIA GameWorks OpenGL sample source code and device drivers.”
I can’t seem to find r11c anywhere on the nvidia site.
Apologies that this is such a headache, and thanks again for continuing to help me look for a solution.
Nvidia CodeWorks for Android link I provided above should take you to the correct location I see r11 being listed.
However, I’m going to start from the beginning to make sure you’ve gone through the steps the correct way, as it’s possible a step was missed and the error occurred.
CodeWorks is not compatible with any version of the engine prior to . You will need to uninstall AndroidWorks before installing CodeWorks.
Navigate to C:\ (or wherever you have your installation) and run the uninstaller located there.
Once there, hit next and wait for the Uninstaller to process the removal.
Once completed, this will ask you to restart. Restart your computer. When this is finished, feel free to remove leftover files in the directory.
Once the old installation has been completed, obtain the installer for the new version.
I was able to properly update myself to NDK r11, I re-checked all my environment variables and in editor settings and they’re all set as well.
However I’m still getting the exact same error on package.
I’ve attached a brand new log and a screenshot of my in editor path settings. (I tried setting my SDK level to ‘matchndk’ as well and it didn’t change things)
Please let me know what else I can try, and thanks again for all of your assistance.
I actually have been building without it enabled for testing purposes.
I tried installing it and enabling it in the project settings, however it still error’d out in exactly the same way on package.
btw, I installed it via SDK manager, and it installs version 7.8 as far as I can tell (there’s no option to choose what version.)
Should I manually figure out how to install version 5.8?
Install Repository/Android Repository from the SDK Manager and then go to BUILD\Engine\Build\Android\Java and edit aar-imports.txt. You’ll need to add new entries, change it and point it to the different version.
Admob requires 9.0.0, so if you set it lower, the ads won’t work. That is 4.13 specific though.