Hi all,
I’m trying to package my Helloworld C++ application for Android platform. Basically, the game could be run and launch on my Android device, but fails in packaging for every platform (ie windows 64bit/32bit, HTML, Android, etc … ). It’s weird. Could anyone help me?
I’m using VS2015 update 3 and Unreal 4.11.2 on windows 10 64bit.
link text
Thanks in advance!
This seems to be a plugin issue:
UnrealBuildTool: C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.11/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/KantanCharts/Source/KantanChartsDatasource/Public/KantanCartesianDatapoint.h(14) : Property is exposed to the editor or blueprints but has no Category specified.
If you are not using Kantan Charts in your project, disable the plugin and then restart ue4, and package your project.
Thank you so much @anonymous_user_6c8c356d !!
However, I still confusing about why the game can run on my Android device, but fail to packaging. If this is caused by plugin, it shouldn’t be able to launch on my phone.
most probably, your latest working compile did not cause any errors. on packaging, everything gets recompiled if the project file is modified. did you buy/add kantan charts somewhere in between the development?
Yeah, I installed that plugin from Marketplace