I had made a custom blueprint node based off of AI Move To a while ago, and today I attempted to package my game and ran into some trouble. It seems you cannot have UnrealEd in your dependencies and package a game. So I read about moving the UnrealEd stuff into an Editor-only module. It worked right up until I tried to package again, which no longer failed because of UnrealEd but because the node in my blueprint couldn’t be found (since the module using UnrealEd wasn’t included in the packaged build). I then tried to revert and all my blueprints were corrupted and I had to basically delete my entire AI and try to rewrite it from memory.
Is it possible to build a K2 node and still package the game somehow? At this point I just deleted the node and used AI Move To, which causes a few bugs but nothing terrible for a prototype. I’m curious, though.