I been trying to build the learn Multiplayer Example and my own game with steamworks support and I keep getting the following errors. I know the DLL’s are initializing because when I change the DLL folder from steamv130 to null it gives a can’t find dll warning… I also followed the instructions or the steamwork tutorials and updated my engine.ini for the project and updated the binaries…
I am using the retail engine and my project’s I am trying to build blueprint only projects. I have tried to package my game with development and shipping and get the same error from the log. I thought retail only had to update the binaries/ini to package successfully? Am I missing a step… I don’t see any target.cs or anything like that since it a blueprint only project
LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown() LogOnline:Warning: Unable to load default OnlineSubsystem module Steam, using NULL interface
So, I’d like to update what I found… I migrated my blueprint only project to C++ Basic template… So I’d only have the cs.target/build and modified those based on the guide that was on the Wiki which allowed for steam integration. This really is something that should be noted and is core to getting steam integration to work. This however seem really counter intuitive. If I plan to only use blueprints a blueprint only project or have a vast majority of my project be in blueprints I shouldn’t be required to have make a c++ project just so I can edit 2 files. The adjustment of the .ini should be enough to trigger my desire to use steam if it in the correct location. So, after many hours this is how I resolved the issue and was able to get it to work. Also this makes the Multiplayer Shoot example some what misleading… It suggest it has steam supports which it does but cause it doesn’t have a C++ base it could never get Steam to work with it current design… I am not sure if I am missing something or this is a bug but the examples ect feel very misleading… Everything that I saw lead me to believe I just needed to update my binaries and the ini to get it to work in a blueprint only project… It should be in bold letters DOES NOT WORK WITH BLUEPRINT ONLY PROJECTS… MIGRATE YOUR PROJECT OVER TO C++ Template …