Packaging Assets for marketplace


I’m thinking of submitting some of my assets (meshes, materials, textures etc) on the market place but I’m not sure how to package them up for submitting?

I could package the project up with a demo scene for people to use, but i’d like to have just the assets via an “add to project” button, not “create project”.

I’ve searched the forums but can’t find any guides on prepping asset collections for the marketplace.

Are asset collections packaged up like demo scenes and games, or is there a different workflow for asset only collections?

Thanks for your help,

Hey there,

is the official documentation on packaging assets for the marketplace, although there is no info on using the “Add to project” functionality.

I would presume you are given the choice by the marketplace team later on in the process. I have seen a few asset pack now that use add to project only, so I believe the choice is up to you. You could still include one in one of the folders, it does say in the submission guidelines a demo showcase level is required. :slight_smile:


you can tell Epic how the asset should be uploaded to the marketplace, they have to do some settings on the backend for having “add to project” or “create project”.

If you need to submit configuration files with your asset, you should go for “create project” and put the whole project - folder into a zip file (delete Intermediate and Saved folder prior to zipping).
If you “just” want to submit assets without any need for config files, you should migrate these into a new empty Content - folder, zip that one and send to epic (without the top-folder thats named after the project).

Hope that helps,

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Cheers guys, I didn’t realize UE did some work on their end to determine which way assets are loaded.

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As of today, this link gives a 404 error. FYI