I was curious if we could package a .sav file or the SaveGames directory with a project? I’m specifically making an android build and I want to provide some pre-made stuff in an in-game editor I made for the game. I have those saved in a .sav file.
I would like to know the answer to this as well.
I would like to know the answer to this as well.
So it’s been awhile since I’ve done this but it wasn’t hard to get it going. I make sure my save system was generating the files into the contents folder then inside project settings in the package settings in particular I made sure to include the .sav file as uncompiled folder. Or unbuilt I forget which. This allowed me to access it from a shipping build and load in my stuff.
Apologies for the necro, but wanted to add some additional information as I had the same question.
First, create a new folder in the “Content” directory of your project. Then, move your .sav files to the folder via your computer’s file explorer.
Next, go to “Project Settings → Packaging” and at the bottom of the “Packaging” section, click the down arrow to look at the advanced settings. Here, look for “Additional Non-Asset Directories To Copy”. Click the “…” button and select the aforementioned folder.
Now, when you package the game, the files will be copied to the “Content” folder of your packaged game!
How do you change the save system for generating the files into the contents folder and not in the saved folder ?
Not sure about that one. Just manually moved them over when we needed to package the project.