While packing at what point of the output log the computer freezes? it might help you understand what’s creating the issue.
Hi there
Whenever i try to pack for android my project,it freeze ,and i can t even move my mouse.I have to restart the pc.
Please help me
I have checked my output log and there is nothing wrong …
Well check what is the last step it does in the log before it freezes, that might help you recognize some particular element in your project. After spotting it I would try to remove it and see if it still crash everything.
The last step was a material rendering ,I deleted it ,but the problem still persist…
This is not a solution, but from my experience:
When I pack my current main project I do not close or abort the process when a freeze accours. After one or two hours then my project is suddenly packed. I dont know why, I guess my pc does use all its “power” to calculate the packageing instead of showing the current process or any other stuff on my screen! Have you tired packing your project even when freezes happen and not change anything on your pc?
I migrate all my levels to another project and now it works .Thank you anyway!