can someone tell me what’s wrong with my packaging?
Where and how are these functions declared?:
HealthComponent.cpp(116): error C2039: ‘GetDisplayNameText’: is not a member of ‘UClass’
MyDismembermentComponent.cpp(474): error C2039: ‘GetChildBones’: is not a member of ‘USkeleton’
GetChildBones() is a member of USkeleton i don’t know why it’s getting errors!
Can you show us the code as mentioned above? Also double check you have the correct includes
int32 BoneIndex = CharacterActor->GetMesh()->GetBoneIndex(BoneName);
TArray<int32> ChildBones;
CharacterActor->GetMesh()->GetSkeletalMeshAsset()->GetSkeleton()->GetChildBones(BoneIndex, ChildBones);
FString MySocketName = BoneName.ToString();
FName Temp = ("Socket");
float* Size = BleedSize.Find(BoneName.ToString());
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Size = %f"), *Size);
FDismembermentBone DismemberdStruct;
bool MatchFound = false;
if (DismembermentBoneList.Num()>0)
#include "Animation/Skeleton.h"
remove those lines and still could not package the project:
Delete the “Intermediate” and “Binaries” folders, set the Full Rebuild flag in the project settings and try package again.