Packaging and running my game in 4.18 worked as expected.
I made a copy of the game for 4.19 and packaged it without making any changes.
The packaging succeeded and I was able to start up the game, but when trying to load the first level, the game crashed with the message:
<ErrorMessage>Assertion failed: CaptureBuildData.FullHDRCapturedData.Num() > 0 || CaptureBuildData.EncodedHDRCapturedData.Num() > 0 [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.19+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\MapBuildData.cpp] [Line: 406]
It looks like this check is new in 4.19. Any ideas on what I can do to pass the check?