July 24, 2020, 2:21am
How to reproduce:
Have two simple levels where some UMG is displayed on the second level.
Have the first level navigate to the second level at any point with “Open Level”.
You should see the screen become huge and unusable. The screen no longer fits inside your game window.
Step 3 should not result in oversized screen that becomes unresponsive.
I was able to reproduce this in a minimal project. Seems like a project breaking bug.
What happens when you play the second level directly?
July 24, 2020, 4:20pm
no issue, but if you level change to the first level you will see the issue. It has something to do with changing levels. Happens regardless of what level you go to
July 24, 2020, 4:20pm
Anytime I’ve seen the issue, I had the level I am changing to load some UMG that fills the screen. Just a simple image that says the name of the game.
July 24, 2020, 4:20pm
I can confirm it has nothing to do with UMG. I had two levels with just a generic player start for the mannequin and the first level waits 10 seconds until it opens the second level. The bug occured on the second level.
Doesn’t matter which level you load. You can go from level 2 to level 1 and the same thing occurs.
Can you show the code leading up to the open level command?
July 25, 2020, 9:06pm
It’s something to do with your second level I think.
Make two copies of the third person example map and do it with that. No problems.
Like MostHost says, it my be a player falling problem.
July 28, 2020, 1:53pm
um no. I downloaded my project an another computer with a first time install of UE4 and the problem was no longer present.
Logically, that makes no sense. My other computer is much slower than this computer as well.
No idea I’m afraid. If you wanna zip up the project ( minimal ), I’ll have a look if you like …