Hello. How can i remove this description from my package files (this appear on shipping file properties on Windows
And when I right click on the task bar icon appear this and i want to appear the file name:
Thank u so much
Hello. How can i remove this description from my package files (this appear on shipping file properties on Windows
And when I right click on the task bar icon appear this and i want to appear the file name:
Thank u so much
Have you upgraded to 4.13.1? I am not experiencing the description saying Unreal Engine like you are, my description is the name of the project.
Thank you!
Hi :
Sorry for my English … Yep, I´m working with 4.13.1. This happens with the shipping file. I have noticed that when I open the main file calls the shipping file and the shipping file that has the description as show in pictures. This appears when I click with the right mouse click over the icon on windows task bar … I can’t figure out where change this information …
So, where you’re looking is for stage building. If you go to MyProject\WindowsNoEditor\MyProject.exe, that’s where your shipped version of the project will be. It has the correct description.
Hi … The problem is I´m executing the .exe file … not the Shipping file … when I open my “MyProject\WindowsNoEditor\MyProject.exe” it calls the shipping file and I think the problem is in the “Description” on Shipping file …
This is how I open the file:
Thank u so much
Thanks for breaking that down. I didn’t realize that you were actually right-clicking the Project once it was launched from the task bar. I have verified in multiple builds that this issue has been happening for a while and [UE-37833][1] has been entered.
This has already been addressed in PR [#2799][1] and will make its way down in 4.15.