The Windows packaged has ugly lights, missing the shadow, lumen and fog, which appears fine in the editor (5.2). This is also the case for developer and shipped packages. I have deleted all folders except config and content, no help.
Added lights with env. light mixer too, same rersult in the final.
In the attached image, I use lumen, set shadows sharp now to make it clearly visible.
Lights are movable.
Anyone have any idea where I should look for the error?
I -think- it always packages on Epic, so it should work.
But you can use console commands to change the scalability back in the packaged version.
PS: You shouldn’t, of course, be able to use console commands in a packaged game. When you come to do the final product, use the Project Launcher on the Tools menu.
Looks like need to use console commands, because when packaging in delevoper mode, looks good like the editor version. In shipping, distribution still low quality somehow.