Packaged project game crash - UploadInfo.InstanceSceneDataBuffers->GetPrimitiveToRelativeWorld

I am getting a crash in my packaged project.

Ensure condition failed: UploadInfo.InstanceSceneDataBuffers->GetPrimitiveToRelativeWorld().Equals(UploadInfo.PrimitiveToWorld) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\GPUScene.cpp] [Line: 367]

It seems to happen when an Instance static mesh streams in or out with world partition. I have some high-rise buildings that were ISM and I turned off spatially loaded and that fixed some of my problem areas.

However, I have one area where I don’t have any ISM. It is just static meshes with some spline BP for fences, and I am getting this crash again. It seems like it is just streaming in too much at once?

I feel like this could be resolved with something in project settings like raising a number in a setting under streaming, but I’m not entirely sure.

Not sure if anyone has run into this issue? I’m using 5.4

Go into World Settings , World Partition, uncheck Enable Streaming.

I am seeing this crash with World Partition disabled. Not sure what is causing it yet…

I actually stopped getting the crash, when I disabled streaming , but that’s not really a solution. I think I need to start making data layers and control when things unload and load.