Packaged HTML5 Game is Slow

When I package my game to HTML5 and attempt to play it in a browser, it becomes incredibly slow, whereas when I play it in the editor viewport or even packaged to Windows, it runs at a reasonable speed. My game is very basic with minimal art (small, 2D sprites), but there is lag on the levels and loading a new level (using Open Level node) takes more than 5 seconds. Loading a new level in the viewport or in the packaged Windows game takes about 1 second. Is this an issue with packaging to HTML5, or is there a way to speed up my game?

Hey ,

Do you notice that the game is running slow in mobile previewer? This is a setting within the Editor if you click on the drop-down button beside ‘play’ and select ‘Mobile Preview’.

Running the game in the mobile previewer seems to be the slowest, compared to packaged HTML5 and in the editor viewport.

I was able to speed up my packaged HTML5 game by removing music, so the game runs at almost the same speed as when it is run in the editor viewport; however, it is still slightly slower, but not nearly as bad as before.

The mobile previewer seems to be about the same as posted above with HTML5 – a level takes more than 5 seconds to load and there is noticeable lag on levels as well (this is also with the music removed).

Hey ,

Were the audio files used in your HTML5 game large files to download? Our HTML5 version of tappy chicken doesn’t have audio playing constantly but there are sound effects and Tappy Chicken doesn’t seem to be very slow. Are you having the same trouble when you package Tappy Chicken?

I have same issue! UP