Packaged game won't start: CreateProcess() returned 5

Packaged for distribution/shipping build, win64, UE4.24 from launcher. Works on one machine but when somebody else launches it on their PC give this error dialog:

Couldn’t start
C:\Users…path to game folder…\GameName-Win64-Shipping.exe" GameName
CreateProcess() returned 5

EDIT: can that be related to antivirus? It seems to happen to various UE4 games, like Tekkne7 or other on steam

Do you have any folders that you are not including in your package? also what about saving? something similar happened to me but the game was looking for a save file that didn’t exist on a 2nd computer.

I just rename and zip “WindowsNoEditor” folder that UE creates, so everything it produces should be there I suppose?

How to save it?