Hi everyone,
I encountered a very strange issue and saw that every now and then somebody else is experiencing similar stuff; however, could not find a solution just yet and would be glad for any help. I am working on a VR game on UE4 v.11 for Win 64 bit.
I have packaged the game successfully (in “development”). It starts perfectly, inputs are working. However, the blueprints that I created to allow the player character to make a few in-game settings do not work in the packaged, standalone version even though they work perfect if I play in the editor. To provide more details: The blueprints that are not working are buttons (to select language) as 3d widgets placed in the scene, created from UMG. Basically, the player turns their head to select the button using Line Tracing. The line tracing draws as I left in debug mode and I can visually see it. However it does not activate the button in the packaged build as opposed to playing in the editor, where as I said everything works fine.
Now I know that the most straightforward way to solving this would be to debug the packaged game with visual studio. Alas, I am not a programmer and I have no clue how to use C++ let alone visual studio. I am not sure what I could provide in terms of logs that would help (packaging was successful as said). I am just wondering if there any experiences with this. I also wonder how it is possible that the packaged game is not 100% as the version running in the editor. Similar posts:
so an excerpt from the character BP
On event tick, it does a line tracing, and the if the line hits the asset it dispatches an event (also changes background color in between)
After looking at the logs, it appears you are attempting to access a property that is returning a null value. Would you be able to zip up the project, upload it to dropbox, and provide me with a link through PM on the forums: https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?160394-Sean-Flint
I’d like to take a closer look at your setup and see if there is an issue somewhere.
After looking through you project, I noticed that your selection depends on the display name node. Please note that this is meant for debugging in the editor only. Further testing showed that things are working as intended. One workaround I was able to find during testing was to use the find substring node. I used this node to find the words English or German in the display name. After making this quick modification I was able to get things working in a packaged project. I hope that this information helps.
Please note that this example was just a quick change to allow for testing. This is meant as an example of how you could achieve your desired result with your current setup.
Thanks for your advice, I have replaced that part of the Blueprint with new nodes, and It’s working great like it should! Basically I just used casting to identify the widget asset; there was actually no need to use the string nodes.
Thanks for the great work, Epic, it is appreciated!