Packaged game launched as inactive window

Hello, when I launch my game its starts as inactive window (fullscreen), and buttons don’t react on mouse (I mean hovering), but if I click somewhere, then window become active. How to fix it?

IDK, it always starts like this in the editor. In a standalone/compiled version it starts active.

When you play in editor, you often need to debug blueprints, so when you launch the game, you can switch to your BP tab and select an actor to debug. If the play window started active at once, you’d often have to press Shift+F1, go back to your BP tabs and do your things, so more work to do.

Ops, I mean packaged for windows game :slight_smile:

So, problem only with UI, IDK why UI not receive input before I click with mouse somewhere. I fixed it like that

Not sure is it best way or not.

You need to set “Hide Cursor During Capture” to False, because cursor will become invisible when you press something unpressable.