Packaged game doesn't start


I can package my game for Windows (tried 32bit and 64bit) without error, however the output executable doesn’t do anything when run. I get the loading cursor for a few seconds then it stops and nothing happens, no window, no error.

No log files are produced (WindowsNoEditor{PROJECT}\Saved\Logs)

The game runs find in Standalone player from the editor. I don’t have any anti-virus that could block it.

I’m at a loss of what can cause this so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Package settings:

Alright so I found the problem with my packaged game not starting in case anyone else runs into this issue:

The problem was these two lines:


static FRegexPattern ItemLinkRegexPattern;


FRegexPattern Funcs::ItemLinkRegexPattern = R"(\{(.*?)\s*\,\s*(.*?)\s*\,\s*(.*?)\})"

Removing the static allowed my packaged game to run.

If anyone knows why, that would be great.


He @ES-StuBedore - I’m experiencing a similar issue but I’m running a blueprint project. Are you able to tell me if the solution can be translated to a blueprint project?

Sorry buddy, but this issue can’t happen with blueprints as far as I’m aware.

Thanks for responding. K.

I just hit this exact same issue in 4.26. Posting/bump to potentially save someone else a headache.

I had the following FRegexPattern in the global space in a cpp file:

FRegexPattern KEYWORD_PATTERN = FString("(?<=<KeywordBold>)([A-Za-z(0-9)]*)(?=</>)");

I attached VisualStudio to my packaged debug build and was somehow triggering a breakpoint on this line.
Output from the command line shows:

Program has exited with code -2147483645, HRESULT ==> 0x80000003

Defining the FRegexPattern in a local function block fixed the my problem and my packaged game launches correctly.

Hi, I have the same problem. But I don’t know where FRegexPattern is corrected?
