Packaged game crashes when loading level

Hmm. So I messed around with your project so much, I binned it. But now the download link doesn’t work…

I’m not entirely sure, but I think there’s something strange going on with the main menu BP, or the way it’s preparing parameters for use elsewhere ( like savegame / game instance ).

Send another link if you like, I haven’t quite run out of steam…

wow that’s amazing of you
im waiting for ue4 to finish validating and as soon as its ready im going to look after said lvl bp as well

Some progress.

I made a development build, which means I can use the console.

The I just manually loaded a level ( ag_level_2 ), over and over again ( you just open the console and type ‘open ag level_2’ ).


I haven’t quite decided what this means yet…

So I made a dev build to use the console. You can load the levels MUCH faster that way without the menu ( so nothing to do with that code ).

You have to do the name thing, but then you can just keep pressing ` and up arrow to get the last open command you used. So you can open a level every couple of seconds repeatedly.

I just did this with ag_level_1, can’t get it to crash, but then ag_level_2 ( after doing 1 about 20 times ), immediate crash.

It’s something that you have in some levels I think. You just have to find the pattern. It’s also to do with repeatedly loading levels. Maybe something is not getting reset correctly, or something is building up…

Does that give you something to go on?

EDIT: Yeah just did it again. ag_level_1 just will not crash, but ag_level_2 I can get it to go in a few tries…

Well I’m sure it has to do with one of the enemies in lvl2 of which i know it includes a flying gichtel. Now I’m sure it’s because of that bad boi and his friends.

And yeah, I think that’s going to be helpful af:D

I was thinking if maybe the generic_enemy_interface might have to do with this, since faceless_frankies also implements this (but they are sharing some quite similar scripts anyway so forget the interface i guess:D

Tell me how you do…

sure man:D

So the problem seems to be multiple flipbook components on one actor or attached flipbook components. (not sure which one of them but from now on I’m just going to restrict myself to one flip per actor)

I almost scrapped my project over the last few weeks because of this, hope this is of use for one or the other poor soul creating games with paper2d XD

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Ah, sorted!

yeah, also wrote a comment under our conversation from yesterday but that needs to be looked over by a mod due to a swear word i guessXD
Anyways yeah, I’m happy to announce that I’ve found the error:DD

Hey bro, think I just found the culprit after all. Turns out circular dependencies were never the problem, even though my code is more organized now. The problem went away when I stripped our gichtel friend of all his flipbooks. Seems as if either multiple flipbook components on one actor or attached flipbook components were causing all this. ■■■■, they should definitely look after paper2d better or I’ll write my own engine! XD