Could you please try to delete your: Intermediate, Config and Saved folders from your project and attempt to reopen project? If that does not work, could you please attempt to create a new project and let us know whether or not that project opens? Also, does copying your current project to 4.9.1 still cause a crash when opening project within editor?
Let me know what you’ve tried and what your outcome is. Thanks!
I am also having an issue where children of my parent blueprints are losing their variables on build, all reset to default. I have migrated my project over to 4.9.1 twice now in attempts to get things running smoothly, but no luck yet. Also after build a lot of my static meshes materials are missing and render as default material, any thoughts ?
Would there also be anything in Intermediate, Config, Saved folders that once deleted would prevent me from connecting with another player online ? Does not seem to work for me anymore afterwards…