I have a compiled UE4Editor-Cmd.exe and UE4Game-Shipping-Win64.exe with all the necessary .dlls.
I would like to take a non-code project and package it for use with UE4Game-Shipping-Win64.exe. I would like to do this without source code. This seems to not be possible as there is a dependency with the Engine/Source/ directory when packaging through RunUAT’s BuildCookRun. Is it possible to create a project .pak file to use with the UE4Game-Shipping-Win64.exe WITHOUT the Engine/Source/ dependency? If not, why is there a dependency?
Also, if I create a project .pak file from the Cooked/ directory in a project, how do I associate the UE4Game-Shipping-Win64.exe with this .pak file?
I see similar questions have been asked in the past:
Am I missing something?
Thank you