Package project cook failed how do i fix

I’m trying to package a project for windows on Ue4 4.25 source build and when it dose thee cook command i get this error
this even happens when i moved my content over to a new project

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: ‘/DirGravity/Assets/Materials/M_Cow_Pasture_Inst’ is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path does not start with a valid root. Path must begin with: ‘/Engine/’, ‘/Game/’, ‘/Paper2D/’, ‘/AnimationSharing/’, ‘/GeometryMode/’, ‘/
DatasmithContent/’, ‘/ChaosClothEditor/’, ‘/ChaosNiagara/’, ‘/ChaosSolverPlugin/’, ‘/GeometryCollectionPlugin/’, ‘/GeometryProcessing/’, ‘/Niagara/’, ‘/MagicLeap/’, ‘/MagicLeapPassableWorld/’, ‘/MediaCompositing/’, ‘/MovieRenderPipeline/’, ‘/OculusVR/’, ‘/PostSplashScreen/’, ‘/SteamVR/’, ‘/Config/’, ‘/Script/’, ‘/Memory/’, or ‘/Temp/’

Try looking for M_Cow_Pasture_Inst asset, looks like there’s something wrong with it. It might be in a too long path directory.
Also try clicking on Content folder and Fix Up Redirectors.

m cow asset is a part of directional gravity plugin winch i removed before updating to 4.25 so i cant find it in the editor nor file explorer

I see. Then I suggest you to look in packaging settings under Edit->Project Settings->Packaging and look for any Additional Asset Directories to Cook. It might be included there, but since it’s gone it might give this error.

Ok I was able to fix it ther was a mesh that had one material based of m cow plaster and deleting it fixed it

Fix Up Redirectories helps for me! Thnx man! Long path to package game with plugin)

For me the plugin wasn’t enabled in the Plugins Browser.