I’ve run into a problem with a project i’m working on.
The project works perfectly when run from the editor, even when run as a standalone project, but as soon as the project is packaged as a windows package, either 32bit or 64bit, the software crashes with a generic error message as soon as any level is loaded from the level select menu. It is worth noting that these crashes only occur when the oculus rift is plugged into the computer. As soon as the oculus is plugged out, the software is running fine and does not crash at all. this is a problem since the project is VR orientated.
I’ve packaged and run the software on two different machines. Both with the same failed result. I’ve tested it with the commercial release of oculus rift and the DK 1, and both delivered the same crashes on the package project, but works fine when run in the editor.
I then proceeded to delete all the functionality in the levels and even changed the default pawn back to the default firstpersoncharacter, esentially leaving empty levels to load from the menu, but as soon as the project is packaged and run with the oculus plugged in the crash still occur.
We were able, in the past, to package earlier test versions on UE 4.12 and they also ran without any crashes. But alot have been done and added since then so it’s hard to say if it’s the engine version or something else we added.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
My apologies for not getting back to you, we reverted to 4.12 and the issue has stopped apearing. If and when i go to 4.14 again and find the same issues i will get back to you with more detail.
Thanks for your help and time spent on this issue, sorry for the inconvenience.
Is it not VR in level select but becomes VR when changing level? at the moment there seems to be an issue in packaged projects when you switch VR on and off in game for some reason.
CactusFantastico, Yes thats exactly right, my main menu level(level select), works without VR, and then VR is turned on the moment a map is being loaded. Thanks for the reply, to re-iterate, the packaged project works fine in v4.12 so it seems to be an issue with turning on/off VR in game in v4.14 packaged projects.
Yeah I had a feeling haha Same thing has been happening to me. Since 4.12 its been broken for some reason so the only solution I’ve found is to stay in 4.12 such as yourself or make it so it starts and stays in VR.
Hi Rudy,
It seems this issue only happens when you manually deactivate/activate the oculus, and seems to happen in versions newer than version 4.12.
If you have trouble recreating the issue i will gladly send you a copy of my entire project via wetransfer or something similer. Please let me know if there is anythig i can provide from my side and where to send it to.
If you would like to provide your project for me to take a closer look at you can do so with a link to a zipped down copy via google drive or drop box.
Thank you very much , I apreciate your trouble. Unfortunately the software has gone through so many changes since then that its basically a new piece of software at the moment and we havent run into the same error since we went back to 4.12 and stayed with it. I will let you know if we ever run into it again.