Package Project breaks the logic of the game!

Maybe someone has encountered this - the build breaks the mechanics of the game. Bots after assembly stand still and do not move. At the same time, in Standalone, which simulates the build - everything is OK! Bot controllers may be breaking, but Why (is this happening) and How (to fix)?

After the build, Get Random Point in Navigable Radius breaks - the result of its execution is always false(11). There are 3 different similar ones - none of them works.

Maybe somehow somewhere it is necessary to connect additional navigation?

I changed it to RandomPointInBoundingBox (12) - the new coordinates of the bot are now normally recorded in BB_TargetVector, but the bot has just started spinning around its axis towards new directions, while it does not move anyway - speed =0, although it has a speed of 400(15).

Is the speed breaking???

It’s decided. Corny NavMesh. It turns out there is a difference before and after the build.