Package Product and a double Fwd slash // added to last part of path before asset name

Fairly new to unreal engine, trying out some ideas, but it seems that whenever i am Building a package, there are places where a Double / (slash) is being added to the path. Using UE Viewer i can see the asset, and browse it in flat view, but in the desired path the asset is not there. In the flat view i see:


/Game/RiggedObjects/Characters/Textures**//** <— That should be a single /)

but when i browse to the asset in the tree, well it’s not there.

I used UE Viewer because i wanted to know what was actually happening in the PAK files, cuz UE Build reported it was successful. Opening the asset in UE Viewer works, and also shows the double //

Help ! :slight_smile: I’m going insane, trying to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Though they should be :slight_smile:

Anyone run in to this, and know what i’m doing wrong, or if there is a bug?


Also experiencing this. Any luck?