Package looks terrible

I’ve created a short 2D game with one level. I’ve had problems with packaging because I didn’t have SKD installed, done. But after I cook and package my game, it looks terrible. It’s all blurry. The quality gets like 80% worse. Also there are white lines on the edges of every asset/block. Please help me.

Unreal automatically puts the quality to epic during packing. Try running it in max settings in the editor and see if it looks the same.


In the editor it looks way better, so that’s why I thought the package has somehow gone wrong. Here is picture of the same spot from the editor

Do you have your texture filters set to nearest in your textures / sprites?
Setting most other filter settings to unfiltered can also help.

I think your sprites / textures might also have mipmaps enabled. They might be going to the lowest version of the mipmap hence the averaging of pixels on your main character.

I’m sorry I didn’t reply but as of now it all works as supossed. Thank you :slight_smile: