Hello, I’ve a problem that I cannot solve. I’m developing a game in UE4.27 (BP only). When I package the game via the File->Package Project->Win64, everything is running smooth, the pak file (5gb) is correctly created, and game is perfectly starting and working.
The problem is that I’ve some testers trying the game and due to the pak size, I would have preferred to have a patching system, so I can send only the patched pak whichever modification was requested to me.
So I tried the project launcher. But even using it to create the base version, the created game is not working. It starts only the intro movie and then freeze (or at least stutter) without starting.
pak file is similar in the dimension to the one created by the standard procedure.
No chance to have it worked, unless I overwrite the launcher pak file with the packaged pak file (at least seems to be an issue on the pak file and not on the rest).
Any suggestion to understand if this is a well known issue or there is something that I did it wrong?
Thanks for an help
EDIT: sometimes, but really rarely (let say 1 over 20 test) it works, but running again start again to have the same problem.
After some months I realize that the workaround is not working alwyas, but only randomly.
At the moment I still can package my game in the standard way (generating one only pak file via the File->Package->Win) and everything is ok.
But again, trying to do it via Project Launcher is not working at all, even if the setting seems to be ok. Game start but immediatly stutter in the splash screen and even not proceed to the main menu. All of the above trying to create the base version, not even a patch.
My target platform is Steam and it is not possible (due to size of the pak file of nearly 5gB) to think to upload and download the complete game in case of patch. And I’ve no other idea how to overcome this problem.
Appreciated if somebody else had the same issues and can give some hints.
Reviewing internet documentation and testing out I hope to have finally found the solution (maybe 99%).
To correctly prepare a base version and following patching system, I did the following:
Make a full package (dev or shipping) in the standard way to a specific folder
Create immediatly a project launcher profile that create the same base version, in the default folder (Saved/StageBuilds), flagging the “Create a release version…” under the Release/DLC/Patching system and giving it a release number (i.e. 1.0.0)
Launch it. This will create under the Release folder the needed picture of what has been packaged in the step 1 in the other folder, all of this under a subfolder named as the release (i.e. 1.0.0)
Modify stuff in the editor that has to be patched
Create and launch a project launcher profile for a new release (i.e. 1.0.1) base on the old release (1.0.0).
Copy the patched pak file in the Content directoty ending with 0_P that now can be found in the Save/Stagebuilds/… folder
Paste it in the relevant location of the full package created in step 1.
This is working consistently. The only stuff that I’m still not sure is other than this file, the project launcher, depending on the modification done, change also the exe file. In this case I assume that also this file has to be pasted and copied, but the modifications I did until now were minor “map” changes.