First of all my game has a movie, after which a widget screen appears saying press any key to continue. On pressing the key user reaches to main menu. In this prototype, the user may access main menu only through keyboard so the cursor should be hidden. This is how it exactly works in editor mode. But when I package the game, soon after the movie is over, cursor appears and I have to click to get game into focus, which is not supposed to happen. I tried almost everything on the internet, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am fairly new to Unreal Engine, so it would help a lot to get answers in simplified language.
Unreal always have something strange logic. My project work fine in UE, but after package is run unfocusable, first time i need click start button twice, first time its focus window, second apply button. I always understand who create Unreal, always something not working.
I dunno why, but it need Set Input. Example - for me, i use UI menu on start, i use Set UI input only by blueprints.