Package Game Data inside APK not working when checked

Hi All,

I really need help with packaging my game.

Everytime I tick the box “Packaging Game Data inside APK?” and then try to package it, the output log tells me that it failed.

Here is the photo of what it looks like:

r/unrealengine - Package Game Data inside APK not working when checked

When packaging, it stops on “Task :app:mergeDebugAssets” and sits there for a couple of minutes.

Here are what I am using:

  • Android Studio 4
  • SDK Platforms: Android 4.4(kitkat), Android 5.0(Lollipop), Android 10.0+(R)
  • SDK Build Tools: 29.0.02, 28.0.3
  • NDK: 21.1.6352462
  • Java: jdk1.8.0_331
  • SDK API Level: matchndk
  • NDK API Level: android-21