I was working on a project by following the TwinStickShooter guide on Epic’s youtube channel.
Everything’s fine and all, UE4 is pretty easy to work with, until I try to package the game. Everytime I do that, the AutomationTool crashes rather quickly. I thought there was something wrong with my project so I created a new project using the Top Down C++ template. Tried to package that immediately, same error, so it’s not isolated to one project. Here’s the log file: log
Solutions I’ve tried so far:
- Restart the project.
- Restart the PC.
- Turn off any virus scanner (in my case, only Windows Defender).
- Check for system env variables.
- Package for Windows 32-bit.
- Verify UE4.
- Reinstall Visual Studio.
All of them did not solve the problem. I also checked my Windows account username but there’s no special character in it (Microwave).
I even tried an older version of UE4 (4.7.6), create a new code project from it and package that, that error still pop up in the log file.
I’m running Windows 10 Pro, if that’s affecting anything. Using Visual Studio 2013 Community Update 5 and Unreal Engine 4.8.3.
Edit: oops, I put this in the wrong section. I was sure I selected Packaging & Deployment section instead of this.