Package error

Hello! im trying to pack my game and I keep running in to the same issue! And I dont know how to bypass it!
I had the “can open file because it seems to be of a newer version” but I went around that with some backup saves and I just dont know how to fix this! please help! "these are the error that pop up “PackagingResults:Error: Error Error Error loading C:/Users/lalla_000/Documents/Unreal Projects/Desert/Content/madecontent/dessert.umap!
PackagingResults:Error: Error Error Error loading C:/Users/lalla_000/Documents/Unreal Projects/Desert/Content/ThirdPersonBP/Maps/ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap!
PackagingResults:Error: Error Error Error loading C:/Users/lalla_000/Documents/Unreal Projects/Desert/Content/madecontent/ThirdPersonExampleMap_2016-08-06-17-31-17_Auto4.umap!”


Please provide the full output log from your project’s Saved->Logs folder.

Thank you

Here you go!

I’ll need the text file located in the project directory under Saved->Logs, as this will contain the full list of errors.


@sean flint yeah sure

104532-desert-backup-2016.08.27-02.43.04.log (1.49 MB)

is this the right one haha that’s the latest saved logs

ofc! this is the latest saved log file

104532-desert-backup-2016.08.27-02.43.04.log (1.49 MB)


It looks like you’re having an issue loading a map:

CookResults:Error: Error Error loading C:/Users/lalla_000/Documents/Unreal Projects/Desert/Content/madecontent/dessert.umap!

What you’ll need to do is go through your log and do a CTRL+F search for Error. Then go through and attempt to resolve all of the errors and package again.

If after doing this the issue still persists, please provide the new output log.

I’m still having issues with packaging the only error I get is “Unreal Projects/Desert/Content/ThirdPersonBP/Maps/ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap!” and I dont know how to resolve this issue! please help me! that .umap doesnt even exist anymore!

I’m still having issues with packaging the only error I get is “Unreal Projects/Desert/Content/ThirdPersonBP/Maps/ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap!” and I dont know how to resolve this issue! please help me! that .umap doesnt even exist anymore!

Do you have any references to that map in your project? Check Edit->Project Settings->Maps and Modes to ensure that it doesn’t get referenced anywhere in those settings. You’ll also need to make sure to remove any extraneous references that may exist related to that map.