Package error with twinStick official tuto


I followed this products tutorial. twin stick shooter. 23 tutorial.
When I made the package.
I have an error “AutomationTool Was Unable to run successfully.”
Visual Basic 2013.
Windows 7 64Bit (recent instalation)

I think this comes from visual studio. but I do not know exactly the source of the problem…
Help me…thanks


The error is in your Weapon Bp

> LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node:
> K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass
> /Game/Blueprints/Weapon.Weapon:EventGraph.K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass_1
> keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin
> /Game/Blueprints/Weapon.Weapon:EventGraph.K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass_1.EdGraphPin_20801.
> Try refresh all nodes.
> LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node:
> K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass
> /Game/Blueprints/Weapon.Weapon:EventGraph.K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass_1
> keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin
> /Game/Blueprints/Weapon.Weapon:EventGraph.K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass_1.EdGraphPin_20802.
> Try refresh all nodes.
> LogBlueprint:Error: Broken Node:
> K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass
> /Game/Blueprints/Weapon.Weapon:EventGraph.K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass_1
> keeps removed/invalid pin: EdGraphPin
> /Game/Blueprints/Weapon.Weapon:EventGraph.K2Node_SpawnActorFromClass_1.EdGraphPin_20803.
> Try refresh all nodes.

thank you. I will see that.
If I don’t find the solution I post a screen of the BP.

“visual script 2013” Can cause an error if they are installed in a folder with a character like% §] * ¤

becaufe my visual instalation folder contains the following character ¤

possible that this is the source of the problem?

My WeaponBP is the same as the tuto .