Package Error PHYX

keep getting this weird error when packaging. this is the first time i get this error, i cant package the project without solving it. could use any help

Greetings @Itsfate399

Welcome back to the Unreal Engine Community Forum! In regards to the errors that you’re receiving, it looks due to the convex mesh descriptor being invalid. I’d recommend taking a look at this post. It’s older. But, this is a similar problem and there are solutions and information on why this error is happening there. I hope that helps!

so what i only understood that the issue is coming from a mesh using a convex mesh if i am not wrong, but how will i find that convex mesh or multiple ones and fix them. this is a very strange error i didnt face before.

while trying stuff and packaging i noticed this warning where it says convexelem is missing convex mesh but it doesnt say where

i found the meshes that have the convex issue, it was a facial hair meshes. i removed them from the character and the packaging worked. but i want to use them on my character but how do i first fix this convex issue.

If I fully understand the error, it’s saying that you are using a non mesh file descriptor for input in a function that takes in a file descriptor of a mesh file. (Or this file does not exist and reference is broken)