Package crash with Win RequestExit. HELP!

It crashes after a minute of play of the packaged game.
It doesn’t give any error on in the Editor play.

I also got minidump but VS seems to give me ‘Exception unhandled’ with followings:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF79EF2E311 (Name.exe) in UE4Minidump.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000008. occurred

In the CrashContext, this is always what I get:


[CallStack]ntdll 0x0000000081c60000 + 9c0f4
KERNELBASE 0x000000007f290000 + 41e93
Slakthus 0x000000001bfa0000 + 17a877d
Slakthus 0x000000001bfa0000 + 5e9b7be
VCRUNTIME140 0x000000006c140000 + c1c0
ntdll 0x0000000081c60000 + a11cf
[ThreadName]PoolThread 1[/ThreadName]


I’m on a deadend!