Package [Cook failure] : Skeleton is missing in animation BP. How to fix that?

Hey guys, I’m looking to buid a windows package. at the end of the cook, it results with a failure message :

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [Compiler ThirdPerson_AnimBP] ThirdPerson_AnimBP - The skeleton asset for this animation Blueprint is missing, so it cannot be compiled! from Source: /Game/StarterContent/Mannequin/Content/Animations/ThirdPerson_AnimBP.ThirdPerson_AnimBP

When I play in editor, everything works, and I don’t know how to fix the skeleton animation BP, I have no idea what this issue is and how to solve it.

Apparently some other people had the same issue, but I don’t see any answer explaining how to fix it.


This is what worked when I got that error:

Go to the skeleton asset, right click, under asset actions, click on reload

Best of luck!

And Also, Why Does It Compile Or Add That Into The Build, Such A Dumb Packaging System In UE, In Unity It Dismisses It And SAVES Space AND Doesn’t Cause Problems, Their Lucky UE Is More Capable Then Unity And CryEngine Is Useless