Package content

Hello, when I try to package my project I get an error, I am attaching the log lines in red to see if someone can help me out.

LogStreamlineAPI: Error: [Error]: [12-23-15][streamline][error][tid:26972][5s:492ms:802us]sl.cpp:71[slValidateFeatureContext] ‘kFeatureDLSS_G’ is missing.
LogStreamlineAPI: [Info]: [12-23-13][streamline][info][tid:26972][3s:921ms:453us]commonentry.cpp:909[ngxLog] error: snippet is using newer GPU arch 190 > 160

If you find an answer to this please let me know. It seems to be affecting only one of our levels and I have no idea why!

Its an error regarding nvidia frame generation.
Most likely the use of a dlss plugin where the hardware can’t support it (lower than 40 series)