But my projects have been created with UE 4.21 and i’m having problems packaging them. The app starts on my phone but i just get a black screen and it closes after a while, no error message.
If anyone knows the procedure to follow for 4.21, i’d greatly appreciate it. I did not find a way to downgrade my 4.21 projects into 4.19.
Hi , thanks for your feed-back.
I’m using a Nexus 5x, with Android 8.1
Strangely enough, i don’t have a folder called /Saved/Logs on my phone.
After I run the .bat file on my computer, this folder and file is created on my phone, plus my app icon:
I search my phone for a Logs folder but nothing found, can’t find the UE4Game either.
Below I attach a screen shot of my PC screen after running the .bat file when the file is copied to my phone.
I’d like to package my project with 4.21 too,but there is also a trouble for me.
My trouble is
“/android-ndk-r13b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.9.x/…/…/…/…/arm-linux-androideabi/bin\ld: error: cannot find -llibaristo_interface.so”
It doesn’t report a error until packaging to …-armv7-es2.so
Which version of NDK do you use?And What should I fill the SDK&NDK API LEVEL blank?
make sure to enable VR plugins if you haven’t already …on the very top left click Edit then chose Plugins in the drop down menu , then type in VR in the search bar and enable them
I didn’t use the NVPACK,and I wonder that the error reason is cuz I used a customed package rather than the default package(NVPACK).As you see,the error reminded me of cannot find .so library.
Not sure as i could not make it work, but maybe the answer of O above can give you a hint, he says to look into this Android folder for a log: \UE4Game\YourProject\YourProject\Saved\Logs