Pack 3 channels into a single texture

Hello noob here, trying to pack 3 channels into a single texture (Blue channel-ambient occlusion, Green channel-roughness, and Red channel- metalness) but not sure which texture to use.
Used PixPlant to extract 3d maps but i don’t have no roughness or metalness.

Sounds like that program doesn’t generate those types of maps, if you want a similar type of thing that generates maps specifically for stuff like UE4 there’s Bitmap2Material

Otherwise you’ll need to take your diffuse map into photoshop and adjust it yourself and try and make those maps. If it’s not quite right when you bring it into UE4 you can also adjust the values within your material in UE4, so for example if the roughness was too high you could multiply the roughness map. Though ideally your texture maps are correct without doing extra in your material.

just downloaded that and messing around with it. Thanks Viper!

Michael Graham made a very handy blueprint and tutorial for doing this in the editor!

Looks great! Thanks Wicker!