overriding UPawnSensingComponent functions

I am facing a strange behaviour I cannot debug. I am playing with the SensingComponent class. It contains two functions defined as:

virtual bool CouldSeePawn(const APawn* Other, bool bMaySkipChecks = false) const;
virtual void SensePawn(APawn& Pawn);

I am trying to override them so my class is as follows:

class MYPROJECT_API UCancellaPawnSensingComponent : public UPawnSensingComponent

virtual bool CouldSeePawn(const APawn* Other, bool bMaySkipChecks = false) const override;
virtual void SensePawn(APawn& Pawn) override;

The implementation of the two functions is something like:

bool UCancellaPawnSensingComponent::CouldSeePawn(const APawn* Other, bool bMaySkipChecks) const
//my code here

void UCancellaPawnSensingComponent::SensePawn(APawn& Pawn)
//my code here

I have no compiling error. However, when I execute the project the original functions are executed, not the overridden version. I have tested with the “Local Windows Debugger” in Visual Studio and I can trigger breakpoints in the original code. Is there something obvious I am missing?