Overriding Enhanced Input doesn't work? [ UE 5.3.2 ]


For some reason overriding the Mapping Context doesn’t work. From the sample project in Unreal engine a comment here states that it should work like this:


“Input Priority is set to 1 - if “Consume Input” is True on input events in this actor, those inputs will override actors with lower priority (VRPawn is set to 0).
By default, the player won’t be able to move when the Menu is open.”


When the actor spawns, Im running this: with a priority of 2. ( priority of VRPawn is 0 )

And the Actor Input Priority is set to 1 ( VRPawn is 0 )

Aand the boolean: “Consume Lower Priority Enhanced Input Mappings” is set to true:

Edit: if the EnhancedInputAction events are placed on the currently possessed Pawn, they will activate there after adding the Mapping Context in the other actor.
But this isn’t the desired or documented effect of this, as the inputs should be able to execute events directly on the actor that currently has input and input priority.

This appears to work fine in VR. But as soon as the same pawn is controlled without a VR headset, the override fails. Which leads me to belive this likely is a bug.