Trying to use Sequencer Track Overrides to animate values using Perlin Noise.
However, this causes a Validation Failure
Thanks for pointing this out. This appears to be an oversight. Can you please file a bug report here? Thanks.
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Sure! Just submitted it!
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We weren’t able to reproduce this internally, our repro steps were:
- Create a level sequence
- Add a static mesh cube
- Right click on translation X and choose Override with Perlin Noise
- Optionally create a cinematic sequence device, pointing to the level sequence and autoplay it.
- Push Changes/Validate
Can you pass along the validation failure/error or logs please?
I’ll try to replicate it again in 24.40, could have possibly been fixed?
I’m not aware of any specific changes to fix validation of the perlin noise override, so I’m wondering if perhaps the validation error was indicating something else? We tested internally in 25.00.