Override Respawn on Elimination

I have a duel minigame inside of a FFA map, and I don’t want players to respawn to a spawn pad after being killed, but instead teleport to a post-duel teleporter instantly, skipping the respawn countdown so I can show HUD messages immediately. Is there a way to do this? Thanks.

we have a system where if you die before a round is over you goto a penalty box we do this by enable and disabling the spawn pads

is this instant or does it just respawn the player in the penalty box?

it just respawns the player in the penalty box

Bump - is anyone able to help?

I’m not sure how to exactly do this, but I pretty sure you’ll have to activate the down but out state for every player (since if you don’t players will die when their hp reaches 0 and automatically respawn). Then use the down but not out event to tp the player, show messages, and revive him.