I´m looking for something I think can be really usefull and can´t find the way to do it so.
The base idea is to have all assets with its own material and textures in your scene but make a script (blueprint maybe o something else) you can associate a material and then switch on/off to give any asset in the scene a material. That can be use for lighting at the beginnig of the process as the override mat option in 3dsmax. You should be able to “exclude” some materials (for windows and so on).
Hi and thanks for your time.
I don´t know if you made reference to the GI Replace Material Switch in Lighting the Environment in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
If so, that helps you to change the GI color and make it different from it´s diffuse.
What I want is something like programing little menu in post process maybe or somewhere else wich works for any single material except the ones you add in a list…something like de Override Mat option in 3d max where you specifiy a meterial and exclude objects to oveeride any sinble material in the scene.